Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cloud, Mobile, Social & Information will redefine Application Architecture

Social &

will redefine 
Application Architecture

Cisco Logo inspired by Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA

Cisco Logo inspired by Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA

Cisco Phone Reset Codes

1. Hard Reset = **#** (Star, Star, Pound, Star, Star)

Go to the settings page of the phone
Press *,*,#,*,* (star, star, pound, star, star) about 1/2 second apart
The phone will display “Resetting” and perform a hard reset

2. Factory Reset

In a need to reset to factory settings due to buggy firmware etc., 

Unplug the power from the phone.
As you plug it back it, press and hold the “#” key. If performed correctly, the Headset, Mute, and Speaker buttons in the lower right corner will start to flash in sequence.
When those three buttons start flashing in sequence, enter the following code: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,*,0,#. You’ll notice that’s every button on the keypad in sequence from left to right, top to bottom.
Phone will display “Upgrading” and erase the configuration.

3. Unlock Settings

If you have to unlock settings on the phone due to having the wrong address/TFTP server information from DHCP.
Quick method to unlock the phone to change the settings.

Go to the Settings page of the phone
While in the settings page, press *, *, # (star, star, pound) about 1/2 second apart
The phone will display “Settings Unlocked” and allow you to make changes